Don’t let Velcro cramp your style!
Wear the shoes you want
– with QuickSnap!
Check out what Dragon, Brett Wilson has to say about QuickSnap! |
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As Seen On:
"What a fabulous product! I had seen the demonstration on TV, and immediately ordered 2 sets for my 11 yr old son. I thought they would be a great tool to help my son to “tie” his shoes, as he has fine motor difficulties, as well as other difficulties, and it’s hard for him to tie his shoes. He loves the ease that they provided. He has his shoes on and done up in 30 seconds, if that. I then put them on his school shoes, and he now leaves for recess with all the other kids, instead of lagging behind because he can’t tie his shoes as fast as the other kids.
Thank you for such a wonderful product!!"
- Deb Swinton, Mississauga ON